{M:U} IT Design

Wel­come to the Web pages of {M:U IT De­sign} con­sult­ing.

Our cur­rent fo­cus is on

  • non-triv­ial so­lar pow­er ar­rays and stor­age sys­tems (in­vert­er­s, bat­ter­ies, reg­u­la­­to­ry re­quire­­ments, …)

  • home au­­to­­ma­­tion

  • the MoaT sys­tem

Un­for­tu­nate­ly, at the mo­ment we have a heap of work to com­plete that will keep us busy un­til ap­prox. June 2024. Thus we re­gret that we must de­cline new com­mis­sion­s.